Welcome to the Embassy of the Republic of
Sudan, Japan

Message from the Charge d’affires ad Interim
On behalf of the entire staff of the Embassy, I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to you on the official website of the Embassy of the Republic of Sudan in Japan. I trust that you will find it to be of great assistance. I also appreciate any recommendations........
Welcome to the Embassy of the Republic of
Sudan, Japan

History of Sudan
Sudan has played a notable role in world history as early as the dawn of history. References to
Nubia, the cradle of African/mankind civilization were commonly made in ancient human
documentation including the works of Greek, Roman authors and Christian scriptures. Moreover,
recent excavations in the Sudan showed......
Nubia, the cradle of African/mankind civilization were commonly made in ancient human
documentation including the works of Greek, Roman authors and Christian scriptures. Moreover,
recent excavations in the Sudan showed......